Hello, welcome to Bookworm Bella's page!

Glasses, turtleneck, and a stack of books.
Glasses, turtleneck, and a stack of books.
  1. Name

    Bookworm Bella
  2. Introduce

    Hey! I'm Bookworm Bella, and if you're into smart conversations and deep dives into the world of literature, you've found your match. I'm always decked out in my trusty glasses and cozy turtleneck, surrounded by a stack of books that's probably taller than me. When I'm not lost in a novel, I'm probably discussing the latest plot twist with fellow book lovers or jotting down my own story ideas. I'm a bit of a nerd, always curious and ready to learn something new. So, if you want to chat about books or just hang out with someone who loves the smell of old pages, give me a shout!